
Spider Man Miles Morales Spider Symbol

Tom's Guide Verdict

Spider-Human: Miles Morales is a fantastic follow-up to Marvel'due south Spider-Man, with thrilling traversal and combat, an engaging story and some great uses of the PS5's hardware.


  • +

    Superb gainsay and traversal

  • +

    Engaging story

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    Gorgeous visuals

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    Instant load times on PS5


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    Moveset not as expansive as Marvel'south Spider-Human being

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    Occasional PS4 performance dips

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    Some dull side activities

EDITOR'Southward NOTE: Spider-Man: Miles Morales won "best music/sound" at the Tom's Guide Awards 2021 for gaming.

The PS5 is here, and information technology's brought a make new Spider-Man hazard with it. Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a new standalone follow-up to Sony and Insomniac's beloved Curiosity's Spider-Man, delivering more of the aforementioned thrilling web-swinging and fluid combat while putting the focus on a younger Spidey who's still finding his manner.

Despite existence smaller in scope (Miles Morales is a $fifty game, compared to $70 for many new adjacent-gen titles), Insomniac's latest superhero romp is an first-class successor to Spider-Human being on PS4. Miles' new combat and traversal abilities make him experience distinct from Peter Parker, and the game's supporting bandage is filled with likeable characters who will tug on your heartstrings by the terminate.

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Miles Morales is also a smashing showcase for the PS5 itself, with astonishing load times, a superior 60 fps performance mode and some truly spectacular uses of the DualSense controller. And don't worry, information technology plays neat on PS4 too. Read on for our full Spider-Man: Miles Morales review to find out why information technology'south time to enter Sony's spider-verse once more.

Spider-Homo: Miles Morales review: Cost and release date

Spider-Man: Miles Morales launches on Nov 12 for $49, and will be bachelor on both PS4 and PS5. Ownership the PS4 version will get you a digital code for the PS5 version at no extra cost. This works in reverse also, as owners of the PS5 game will also gain admission to the PS4 version. Players will also exist able to transfer their salve data when upgrading from the PS4 to PS5 versions.

If you spring for the $79 Ultimate Edition, you lot'll as well become a complimentary copy of Marvel'southward Spider-Man Remastered: a PS5-optimized version of the original 2018 game, consummate with all of its DLC. Pre-ordering either version of the game gets you instant in-game access to the T.R.A.C.Thousand. Suit and Into the Spider-Poetry Suit, besides as three extra skill points and the gravity well gadget.

Spider-Human: Miles Morales review: Gameplay

Spider-Man: Miles Morales

(Prototype credit: Sony)

Equally someone who played Curiosity'south Spider-Man obsessively, diving into Miles Morales felt similar slipping on a pair of familiar, web-loaded gloves. Insomniac Games' thrilling traversal system is once once again the star of the show here, capturing the awareness of swinging, diving and wall-running through New York City better than any Spider-Human game earlier it.

Miles has some unique electric-powered tricks to gear up him apart from Peter Parker, and the PS5 DualSense controller adds to the immersion by delivering detailed haptics, and a slight scrap of resistance when you squeeze the right trigger to swing from a edifice. Only this is largely the same web-swinging that made Marvel's Spider-Man such a masterpiece, and I once again found myself happily ignoring the main missions to get lost in bouncing between buildings and scouring the metropolis for collectibles.

As with the traversal, gainsay in Miles Morales is familiar, with a handful of new twists. Dodging attacks, launching enemies into the air and yanking environmental objects at them feels every bit great equally ever, merely information technology's Miles' electrical Venom powers that really smoothen hither.

The younger Spider-Homo can utilize his bioelectricity to stun enemies, take out huge groups at once with a powerful slam attack and perform an especially satisfying finisher that substantially turns whatsoever encounter into a fireworks show. In that location are some trade offs here: Miles doesn't have admission to quite as many gadgets as Peter did, and his moveset seems a bit smaller overall. But having cool new electric powers to play with is a blast.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales

(Image credit: Sony)

Miles likewise sets himself apart from Peter with a camouflage ability, which is a total game-changer in stealth sections. Beingness able to turn invisible with the tap of a button lets you instantly get out of sticky situations, and I felt like a true badass as I cleared out unabridged areas without being seen at all.

Every bit a smaller, more than focused experience, Spider-Human: Miles Morales trims some of that fat that I didn't love about Marvel's Spider-Man. Gone are the tedious slide puzzles from the previous game, every bit are many of the irksome-paced walking segments that had you lot have control of Mary Jane Watson and a pre-superhero Miles. New to the mix are some light environmental puzzles, which, despite existence pretty simple, added some dainty variety  between big brawls.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales review: Story

Spider-Man: Miles Morales

(Prototype credit: Sony)

Spider-Man: Miles Morales acts equally both a continuation and spin-off of Marvel'due south Spider-Man, which focused on Peter Parker every bit he battled the nefarious Inner Demons gang. After discovering his powers in the previous game, Miles is now a Spider-Human being-in-training under Peter's tutelage, and suddenly finds himself as New York's only Spider-Man when Pete leaves the country on a work trip. Oh, and a mysterious coalition called the Underground is waging state of war with evil energy corporation Roxxon all over the urban center. No pressure, Miles.

This sets the stage for a fun and enthralling origin story that sees Miles truly embrace the Spider-Man mantle. Nadji Jeter does a bang-up job capturing Miles' humor, youthful energy and devotion to his close friends and family, including his mother Rio Morales and his geeky, hilarious best friend Ganke Lee. Y'all'll once again hear J Jonah Jameson peddle anti-Spider-Man conspiracy theories on his Alex Jones-esque radio show, which is countered past local podcaster Danika Hart. The in-game social feed that shows the city reacting to major story events besides returns, and it'due south as amusing as ever.

Miles Morales is a more than compact game than Marvel'southward Spider-Man narrative-wise, and you can probably get through the main story in eight hours or less. It also effectively recycles the game map from Marvel's Spider-Human, but with a new winter theme, complete with snow and holiday decorations. But despite being smaller in scope, Miles Morales is a worthy follow up to the fantabulous story told in Marvel'southward Spider-Man, with all of the emotion, spectacle and sheer fun we've come to await from Insomniac'southward spider-verse.

Spider-Homo: Miles Morales review: Collectibles and extras

Spider-Man: Miles Morales

(Paradigm credit: Sony)

It wouldn't exist an open-world Spider-Man game without tons of collectibles and side challenges to go after. While Insomniac's New York isn't quite as densely packed with activities this time around, there's still plenty to practise in-between missions.

A new in-game app lets you stop nearby crimes and tackle side missions, and you'll find plenty of gainsay and traversal challenges, as well as collectible items that allow yous to gain new skills and upgrade your gear. I found the collectibles and side activities in Curiosity's Spider-Man to be more than engaging (especially going effectually taking photos of NYC landmarks, and finding backpacks filled with Spider-Human lore), but was nevertheless motivated to scour the urban center for in-game goodies for hours on stop.

As with Curiosity's Spider-Man, in that location's no shortage of cool Spidey suits to unlock, many of which pay homage to Miles' comic book history. There's a suit that lets yous carry a literal bodega true cat around in your backpack, equally well as a truly breathtaking Into the Spider-Poesy suit that mimics the beloved film'southward unique animation style.

Spider-Man's robust photo mode was one of my favorite things about the previous game, and Insomniac made it even amend this fourth dimension around. The improved photograph style in Miles Morales lets y'all set up virtual lights for meliorate illumination, change Miles' suit on the fly and employ a wider range of fun filters and frames.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales review: PS5 and PS4 performance

Spider-Man: Miles Morales

(Prototype credit: Sony)

As one of the PS5's marquee launch games, Miles Morales does a cracking chore showing off what Sony's new console is capable of. Insomniac's New York looks more lifelike and stunning than ever on next-gen hardware, with skyscrapers and puddles that reflect off of one another realistically thanks to the organization's ray-tracing capabilities. The game's vibrant color palette pops off the screen in 4K, especially when Miles' black-and-red suit and yellow electricity powers disharmonism with the majestic armor and weapons of the Underground.

Miles Morales offers two visual modes on PS5: Fidelity, which prioritizes graphics with ray-tracing and a 4K resolution at 30 frames per second, and Performance, which delivers a steady 60 fps with ray tracing turned off and upscaled 4K. While the game looks cracking either fashion, I couldn't get back once I turned Functioning mode on. Zipping through Manhattan at 60 fps felt like a complete game changer, and made the game'southward kinetic traversal organisation and tight combat feel fifty-fifty more fluid. I switched between the two modes often to compare quality, and noticed very minimal sacrifices to visual fidelity with Performance way on.

The PS5's DualSense controller adds to the immersion, allowing you to experience the detailed resistance of Miles' webs when swinging around New York City as well equally the more than satisfying, rumbling bear upon of Spider-Homo slamming the ground to take out large groups of enemies. The game makes full apply of the DualSense'southward haptics during cutscenes, providing subtle simply extremely specific vibrations to match things such as an incoming subway train or the stomp of Rhino's feet. This feedback works in concert with the controller's built-in speaker, allowing you to both feel and hear the buzz of Miles' electric Venom attacks or the thwip of his spider web blasts.

Fortunately for those not upgrading to adjacent-gen hardware, Miles Morales plays just fine on PS4 too. Y'all'll have to settle for 30 fps gameplay at 1080p (on a standard PS4 at least), just the game's cutscenes and open-world Manhattan still offered plenty of visual detail on Sony's older console. The biggest difference comes down to load times. While Miles Morales loads instantly on PS5 due to the arrangement's SSD, y'all'll be waiting upwards of 20 seconds to get from the main bill of fare to gameplay on PS4. My simply gripe with the PS4 version is that the frame rate appeared to dip slightly below thirty fps on a base PS4 during busier moments.

Spider-Homo: Miles Morales review: Verdict

Spider-Man: Miles Morales

(Image credit: Sony)

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is both a great showpiece for the PS5, and a satisfying continuation of the universe get-go gear up upwards in Marvel's Spider-Human. The web-swinging and gainsay feels as smashing as ever, the characters and story are engaging, and Insomniac'due south open up-earth New York City is one time again packed with fun things to do.

The PS5'southward fast-loading SSD, DualSense controller and powerful GPU all shine here, but it'southward worth noting that nearly of what makes Miles Morales great tin still be enjoyed on PS4. No thing how you play it, Miles Morales is a spectacular standalone adventure that already has u.s. chomping at the bit for Insomniac's next spider-outing.

Mike Andronico is Senior Author at CNNUnderscored. He was formerly Managing Editor at Tom's Guide, where he wrote extensively on gaming, every bit well every bit running the show on the news front. When not at work, you tin ordinarily catch him playing Street Fighter, devouring Twitch streams and trying to convince people that Hawkeye is the best Avenger.


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